Our Work

The Foundation began with chronicling the legacy of Norman McNeil and continues by focussing on educational work in Tobago with an emphasis on Whim and rural communities.


The Foundation is actively working to promote educational projects on the island. We have launched an Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Sponsorship programme with the goal of sponsoring 10 children for an entire year of ECCE in Tobago.

See the Campaign at FundmeTnt.com  

Norman McNeil Pre-School Sponsorship Programme


To broaden the knowledge of Norman McNeil and one story of an enslaved person rising above their conditions, The Foundation developed a short film about Norman McNeil. This is discussed on this website on the Film Section

The Foundation also partnered with the Anglican Diocese of Trinidad and Tobago to lay 2 plaques at the churches where Norman McNeil was active during his life: Whim Anglican and Scarborough Anglican Church. 

This event was noted in the Local Media .

NMFF logo

To continue the legacy of Norman McNeil. 


Trinidad and Tobago

West Indies

(+1 868) 336 2199

info [at] NormanMcNeil.org

ⓒ Norman McNeil Family Foundation